Thx onyx
Thx onyx


My crude graphic shows you what I’m talking about (I’ll draw this, but similar to this one: )

thx onyx

Since digital data is just simple ones and zeroes, audio loses some of the subtleties and can be, albeit subtlely, a bit more jagged.

thx onyx

The truth about audio is that when we convert it from analogue to digital so we can hear it on our phones and computers, we lose some of the smoothness. There’s no need to download software or apps, no buttons to press it just works seamlessly. To use the Onyx, plug the USB end into a computer, or add an adapter (like a lightning adapter for iPhones) to connect it to your phone. It’s got a magnetic pad on the back of the device where the end of the cable can clip to keep headphone cords from getting tangled, or to transport it easier.


This is a small, slim, very portable DAC. There’s also a regular USB adapter included in the box. At one end of the Onyx, there’s a USB-C plug, and at the other is a 3.5mm or aux jack. The Onyx is a 8-inch cord with a cable and a harder plastic dongle end.


Somewhat surprisingly, the THX Onyx is the company’s first consumer product… mainly because they’ve existed in the pro and cinema worlds until now… THX Onyx: What you get It’s made to boost audio not just from a volume perspective but to provide a better listening experience, more power and overall improvements to audio, that can more accurately replicate high resolution audio formats. These devices are also known as DACs or Digital to Analogue Converters. THX has not told me what I have to say or what I can’t say, so you can consider these thoughts my own. Their sponsorship helps me keep the blog and YouTube channel running. THX Onyx is a compact, portable device designed to enhance the sound between your source device and wired headphones or wired speakers, and I’d like to thank THX for sponsoring this post. While there are new music services popping up like Tidal that brag about being able to deliver music in the highest fidelity possible, sometimes how YOU listen to it can mean you’re not getting the best quality by the time it gets into your ears.

thx onyx

If you work with audio, or you’re just into amazing sound from your music, movies and games, you know that some digital formats and devices can let you down.

Thx onyx