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Please confirm this with our Support Agent before ordering. NOTE: Mage Tower challenge for certain specs requires level 70.We can start the run within 30 minutes of payment. Warlock challenge for a single spec takes ~1 hour to complete. Earn achievement A Towering Success and become one step closer to the Mage-Bound Spelltome mount.Warlock challenge completed for selected specializations: Thwarting the Twins for Affliction, The God-Queen's Fury for Demonology, Feltotem's Fall for Destruction.

Rewards of Warlock Mage Tower challenge boost If you are looking to complete all 7 Mage Tower challenges and get Mage-Bound Spelltome book mount, consider using our Mage-Bound Spelltome boost. This way you can be sure your account won't be banned by Blizzard! We use Remote Desktop app to complete Mage Tower 100% safely without account sharing. Warlock Mage Tower run can be started within 30 minutes and will take about 1 hour to complete. With the help of our PRO players who completed the original Warlock Mage Tower challenge in Legion you will get it done in no time! However, the challenges remain as hard as they used to be in Legion so buying Warlock Mage Tower boost is the easiest way of getting the new re-worked rewards.
Warlock mage tower affliction cheese Patch#
Warlock Mage Tower challenges were re-introduced in patch 9.1.5, and are now permanently available in game to test your skill.